Lifestyle Mozambique Travel


By on July 18, 2016

Harvest School is outstanding.
I can see why students come from all over the world to learn, serve, grow and most importantly seek Jesus here.

The international missionary school runs beside the local Mozambican bible school. They are knitted together, emphasising cross-cultural values and activations. This is what makes the school so amazing! You get to make so many local friends and learn directly from them! It’s a very humbling experience!
They are such strong encouraging men and woman of God, with stories that will stir your heart and challenge you to live life to the fullest.

Here is a little insight to what a week of school looks like…

In the morning at 8am, Monday to Thursday, we have 5hrs of class in a large open hut, sitting on the concrete floor! We are blessed with over 30 renowned speakers & guests from all around the world! Such as Will Hart, Matthew and Rebekah Van der Steen, Sara Pradhan, Mel Tari, Surprise Sithole, Kang Seg Chee, Sarah and Nathan Kotzur, Amy Lancaster, David Hogan, David Wagner, of course the Bakers and much more!

After class we have the option to do elective sessions.
Where guest speakers teach smaller groups on particular subjects.

Monday nights we have a night class from 6pm-9pm, Tuesdays “family night” with our house group and Wednesday night church. Every day is so eventful and amazing!

Fridays we serve our practical missions. We all have different areas for this, James and I are serve on  media. But some students teach at the school, work in the hospitals, build the homeless houses, feed children, visit the prisons and much much more!

Saturdays we have a rest day, where we sometimes go into the village and play with children, swim at the beach or go for a long 3hr walk exploring the coastline. Another place i love to visit includes Iris Arts, where the widows make clothes and jewlery. As well as the baby home, where the once parentless babies and toddlers are taken in and loved back to life!

Morning and night the compound is filled with music. Many singing, playing the guitar and the odd group of people having spontaneous jams. There is a wonderful bethel worship hut at the top of the base, looking out over the ocean too. This space is great for meditating and is usually full of students reading, writing or soaking in God’s goodness in their down time. A part of the curriculum is to read 12 books, i highly recommend if you are looking at the school to read them before you arrive, to allow time to really embrace the culture and people!

Everyday our meals for dinner and lunch are rice and beans or beans and rice. Breakfast is bread rolls! There are plenty of markets to buy fresh fruit and veggies however!

Sunday mornings we have church, which is lively and energetic! The Mozambicans lead us in dance, worship and then we are blessed with a message that always puts a fire in our hearts!

Below i have included photos of church, our classes, pictures of our little houses and more!


I feel so blessed to share these moments with you.

Much love & God Bless!

Jess x




July 20, 2016

  1. Reply

    Andrea Brewer

    July 27, 2016

    Thanks so much for sharing that Jess. It is wonderful to see how you have been living your lives. God bless you all miss you and love you and James. XxxxxMum

  2. Reply

    Beka Gee

    July 27, 2016

    These pictures and words tug on my heart to go to this amazing school. I get so excited at the thought of going to the local market to buy fruits I don’t know the name of, hug babies that need hugging, worshipping in open spaces with people from all over the globe and exploring beyond the pages of my many books written by Heidi and Rolland.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to chronicle your adventure, it is a delight to my soul. Blessings, the Gee family.

  3. Reply

    Gwen Townend

    July 27, 2016

    Great to read and view photos. Thank you, Jess for sending this through. Sounds like you are having some great experiences (except perhaps for the rice & beans and the beans & rice!!)

  4. Reply

    Miranda & Loucas

    August 3, 2016

    We love you guys! Thanks so much for sharing! And as usual Jess, your photography is amazing. Go team Jesus 💜

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